Language Testing in Practice – This book relates language testing practice to current views of communicative language teaching and testing. It builds on the theoretical background expounded in Bachman’s Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing and examines the design, planning, and organization of tests.
The book is divided into three sections which discuss 1) objectives and expectations, the context of language testing, and the abilities to be tested; 2) the process of test development, including blueprints, resources, operationalization, and scoring methods; and 3) ten examples which illustrate the principles discussed in Parts One and Two.
Advances in language testing in the past decade have occurred in three areas. The development of a theoretical view that considers language ability to be multicomponential and recognizes the influence of the test method and test taker characteristics on test performance. In the applications of more sophisticated measurement and statistical tools, and the development of “communicative” language tests that incorporate principles of “communicative” language teaching.
After reviewing these advances, this paper describes an interactional model of language test performance that includes two components, language ability and test method. Language ability consists of language knowledge and metacognitive strategies, whereas test method includes characteristics of the environment, rubric, input, expected response, and relationship between input and expected response.
Two aspects of authenticity are derived from this model. The situational authenticity of a given test task depends on the relationship between its test method characteristics and the features of a specific language use situation, while its interactional authenticity pertains to the degree to which it invokes the test taker’s language ability. The application of this definition of authenticity to test development is discussed
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