ESL Worksheets

The Best ESL Worksheets EVER!!

Here you can find the best ESL Worksheets. These activities break the monotony of lecture mode and involve students in an active way. So the interest level goes very high. This makes the atmosphere of the classroom more motivating, free of learner’s anxiety, and communicative, which are some very essential things for an SL classroom. The world is full of worksheets, many of them made expressly for ESL or learning English. 

But not all ESL worksheets are made equal. Certain exercises are generally popular with learners because they are usually non-intimidating and user-friendly as well as providing a finite exercise (ideally one page) where learners get rapid feedback and can often judge for themselves their own abilities and progress.

They are also a convenient, often free, resource for teachers that can easily be saved and printed as required. A great worksheet guides your students through your lesson and suggest ways of teaching the content in an age appropriate way. 

esl worksheet

What makes an ESL Worksheet great?

A set of great worksheets allows for differentiation, particularly with younger students, giving them options to cut and paste, draw or write a response to demonstrate what they know. At the end of the day, we all give out worksheets, even the bad kind, because there are the days that this is what we need to do. 

We need to challenge ourselves to reduce the amount of worksheets we rely on and to up our game as teachers. Differentiate more, increase the complexity of the activity and critical thinking skills being used. Integrate technology, and hands-on learning opportunities more and increase student voice and choice in the classroom. 

Make sure to check the Ernesto Method and out social medias that are at the bottom of the homepage. To know more about my honest opinion on Worksheets you can visit my YouTube channel.