An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar

PDF #21 – An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar

Despite the diversity of contemporary linguistic theory, certain fundamental views enjoy a rough consensus and are widely accepted without serious questions.

An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar

Points of general agreement include the following: (a) language is a self-contained system amenable to algorithmic characterization, with sufficient autonomy to be studied in essential isolation from broader cognitive concerns; (b) grammar (syntax in particular) is an independent aspect of linguistic structure distinct from both lexicon and semantics; and (c) if meaning falls within the purview of linguistic analysis, it is properly described by some type of formal logic based on truth conditions. Individual theorists would doubtlessly qualify their assent in various ways, but (a)-(c) certainly come much closer than their denials to representing majority opinion. What follows is a minority report.

Since 1976, I have been developing a linguistic theory that departs quite radically from the assumptions of the currently predominant paradigm. Called “cognitive grammar” (alias “space grammar”), this model assumes that language is neither self-contained nor describable without essential reference to cognitive processing (regardless of whether one posits a special faculté de langage). Grammatical structures do not constitute an autonomous formal system or level of representation.

They are claimed instead to be inherently symbolic, providing for the structuring and conventional symbolization of conceptual content. Lexicon, morphology, and syntax form a continuum of symbolic units, divided only arbitrarily into separate ‘components’-it is ultimately as pointless to analyze grammatical units without reference to their semantic value as to write a dictionary which omits the meanings of its lexical items. Moreover, a for- mal semantics based on truth conditions is deemed inadequate for describing the meaning of linguistic expressions. One reason is that semantic structures are characterized relative to knowledge systems whose scope is essentially open-ended. A second is that their value reflects not only the content of a conceived situation, but also how this content is structured and construed.

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