Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching is an extensive revision of this highly successful book. As in previous editions, both major and alternative approaches and methods are surveyed, with the section on current communicative approaches updated to include new material on CLIL, text and genre-based teaching. The book seeks not only to clarify the assumptions behind these approaches, and their similarities and differences, but also to help teachers explore their own beliefs and practices in language teaching. Further new material deals with other directions in language teaching, such as outcomes-based initiatives, to make this edition fully up-to-date.

Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the twentieth
century. The whole foundation of contemporary language teaching was
developed during the early part of the twentieth century, as applied linguists and others sought to develop principles and procedures for the design
of teaching methods and materials, drawing on the developing fields of
linguistics and psychology to support a succession of proposals for what
were thought to be more effective and theoretically sound teaching

Language teaching in the twentieth century was characterized
by frequent change and innovation and by the development of sometimes
competing language teaching ideologies. Much of the impetus for change
in approaches to language teaching came about from changes in teaching

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