Task-based language teaching

Task-based language teaching (TBLT)is an approach which differs from traditional approaches by emphasizing the importance of engaging learners’ natural abilities for acquiring language incidentally through the performance of tasks that draw learners’ attention to form.

Drawing on the multiple perspectives and expertise of five leading authorities in the field, this book provides a comprehensive and balanced account of TBLT. Split into five sections, the book provides an historical account of the development of TBLT and introduces the key issues facing the area.

A number of different theoretical perspectives that have informed TBLT are presented, followed by a discussion on key pedagogic aspects – syllabus design, methodology of a task-based lesson, and task-based assessment.

The final sections consider the research that has investigated the effectiveness of TBLT, addresses critiques and suggest directions for future research. Task-based language teaching is now mandated by many educational authorities throughout the world and this book serves as a core source of information for researchers, teachers and students.

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Language Assessment in Practice

Language Assessment in Practice – Presents an innovative, unified, and easily applied approach to designing and developing language assessments. Language Assessment in Practice is a follow-up to the bestselling Language Testing in Practice. It allows readers to become competent in the design, development, and use of language assessments. The authors discuss concepts and procedures clearly, illustrated with examples. 

Language Assessment in Practice

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Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda

ESL Teaching books

Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda explores the challenges of demonstrating the socio-cultural and economic impact of research in linguistics. The chapters provide critical discussion of the concept of impact, as well as an examination of both the constraints and opportunities of the impact agenda. The book includes: case studies of impact-focused research from leading scholars, such as M. Lynne Murphy, David Britain, Peter French and Bas Aarts; discussion of impact from the perspective of the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF); insights and opinions from academics, practitioners and journalists; personal reflection on the nature of impact from the ESRC’s Interim Chief Executive; practical advice on generating and evidencing impact. With chapters from international authors exploring impact both within and outside the context of the UK REF, Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda will be essential reading for early-career researchers, established academics and PhD students interested in developing impact from their research.

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Further Language Learning in Linguistic

ESL Teaching books

Further Language Learning in Linguistic and Cultural Diverse Contexts deals with the interdisciplinary area of multilingual and intercultural education and the increasing interest in sociolinguistic and sociocultural aspects of further language learning. It presents the individual, family, scholastic, and extra-scholastic circumstances that promote or limit language learning and its outcomes among young learners of a further language. The intertwined, dynamic interrelationship between intercultural and language learning at primary school is shown by means of the European border region South Tyrol that is characteristic for its linguistic and cultural diversity and serves to demonstrate authentic benefits, challenges, and difficulties in hyper complex and super-diverse contexts. The book analyzes experiences and perceptions as reported by primary school teachers, children, and parents, considering the impact of many factors on further language learning, including school organization, extra curricular activities, and self-initiated encounter pedagogy. This book will be vital reading for academics, researchers, and post-graduate students in the fields of education, language learning, sociolinguistics, interculturalism, and super-diversity.

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Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodologies – A comprehensive overview of research methodology in applied linguistics which describes the various stages of qualitative and quantitative investigations, from collecting the data to reporting the results.

Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

This book is designed to be the essential one-volume resource for students. It includes:  qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods; research techniques and approaches; ethical considerations;  sample studies; a glossary of key terms; resources for students. As well as covering a range of methodological issues, it looks at numerous areas in depth, including language learning strategies, motivation, teacher beliefs, language and identity, pragmatics, vocabulary, and grammar. Comprehensive and accessible, this is the essential guide to research methods for undergraduate and postgraduate students in applied linguistics and language studies.

“Many contributors [to this volume] shine with their generous and insightful chapters … This addition to the Bloomsbury Research Methods in Linguistics series surveys a considerable array of research practices and thinking … and it does so with commendable concision.” – BALEAP

“This is a really welcome book: engaging, readable, personable, accessible, useful, and interesting. I would certainly recommend it to beginner research students.” – ELT Journal (of the first edition)

“This important volume, the work of a diverse group of experienced researchers, introduces beginning researchers to the available resources on research approaches to language teaching and learning … It is an excellent companion to anyone interested in doing research in Applied Linguistics. The book is relevant to students as well as experienced researchers as, apart from succinctly describing principal concepts in research methodology, it also provides references useful for further investigation … The key issues and sociolinguistic areas relevant to research methods are clearly addressed […] making it an invaluable resource for language teaching and learning. The strength […] is in the clear and cohesive structure of both parts of the volume, the clarity of style consistent throughout, and practical illustrations make the book a very valuable and motivating read.” – Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (of the first edition)

“The collection is recommended not only to the students who are its intended readership, but also to supervisors of specific topics and to lecturers on research methods wanting up-to-date summaries.” – Discourse Studies (of the first edition)

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Linguistics for Language Learning


Linguistics for Language Learning: An Introduction to the Nature and Use of Language. This book is first and foremost for learners of another language and their teachers. It is also for future language teachers. In a more general way it is for anybody who would like to know more about the nature and use of language, especially as it is manifesting itself across the obvious differences between languages.

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Basic Issues in EFL Teaching and Learning

Basic Issues in EFL Teaching and Learning

Basic Issues in EFL Teaching and Learning – Foreign language teaching is a profession that comprises a wide range of issues and is from its very nature an interdisciplinary field of education. This volume provides an insight into twelve basic components of English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching. These include the concept of method/post method, competences, skills, vocabulary teaching, grammar teaching, intercultural learning, teaching literature, media, content and language integrated learning, heterogeneity/differentiation, materials development/evaluation, and testing/assessment. This volume fosters international collaboration among researchers involved in key fields of EFL teaching. On the basis of current theories and research, and guidelines presented by the CEFR, the authors discuss purposes, practices, competences, and contexts of EFL teaching. The focus is on linking theory and practice to transmit profound knowledge and introduce important teaching approaches to university students, lecturers, and teachers.

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Key Issues in Language Teaching

Key Issues in Language Teaching – A comprehensive and extensively researched overview of key issues in language teaching today. This essential text for English language teachers surveys a broad range of core topics that are important in understanding contemporary approaches to teaching English as a second or international language, and which form the content of many professional development courses for language teachers.

Key Issues in Language Teaching

A wide range of issues is examined, including a consideration of the nature of English in the world, the way the English teaching profession works, the development of teaching methods, the nature of classroom teaching, teaching the four skills, teaching the language system, and elements of a language program.

The elevation of English to the status of an international language has brought with it the reconceptualization of many traditional issues as well as the emergence of new insights in the language-teaching profession. All of these happened so quickly that busy practicing teachers may find it hard to keep abreast of all the significant developments in the field. Luckily, Jack C. Richards, a notable scholar in applied linguistics, has helped to put everything together neatly in this weighty book of 826 pages. As the title suggests, the book provides the most up-to-date encyclopedic account of the central issues that are both historically grounded and recently emerging in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language.
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Theory and Practice in EFL

Theory and Practice in EFL Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap – This volume addresses the complex issues surrounding language teacher education, especially in EFL, and the development of professionalism in this field. By applying such concepts as Shulman’s “”pedagogical content knowledge””, the development of teachers’ knowledge base is investigated in a variety of settings, thus underpinning the contextual nature of teacher learning. The vital role of critical reflection at all stages of teacher development is shown to be an integral part of language teachers’ knowledge constructions in areas such as pedagogical grammar, assessment and testing. The contributions shed light also on the perception and development of teacher expertise. This volume sets out to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and in so doing shows that these constructs are far from monolithic. Rather, both theory and practice are created and developed dynamically in close interrelation.

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Research Design and Methodology

Research Design and Methodology

Research Design and Methodology in Studies on L2 Tense and Aspect (Studies in Second and Foreign Language Education [SSFLE]) – In the last decade, the study of the acquisition of tense and aspect among L2 (second language) learners has become a significant area of research. There is, however, one recurrent issue that has not yet been properly addressed, namely the relationship between research methodology and the acquisition of L2 tense-aspect. The current volume fills this void and provides new insights into the study of L2 tense-aspect by bringing together renowned scholars with experience in designing and carrying out research in L2 tense-aspect.

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