ESL Teaching Books – Second Language Research: Methodology and Design


Second Language Research: Methodology and Design– Specifically targeted towards the needs of a second language research audience, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design addresses basic issues related to research design, providing step-by-step instructions for how to carry out studies. This up-to-date text includes chapters that cover identifying research problems and questions; selecting elicitation measures; dealing with ethical issues related to data gathering; validity and reliability in research; research in second and foreign language classroom contexts; data description and coding; and data analysis. Also included is a chapter on the much needed and rarely addressed topic of writing up SLA research, giving concrete suggestions about preparing for publication. Principles of both qualitative and quantitative research are discussed in the context of design issues. Throughout the book, examples from applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and TESOL are provided. Helpful discussion and data-based skill-building exercises at the end of each chapter promote better understanding of the principles discussed. A glossary outlines the key terms in second language research. Second Language Research: Methodology and Design is an ideal textbook for introductory and advanced classes in second language research methods, as well as classes in related areas, for example, TESOL research methods.

ESL Teaching Books – Second Language Research


In this second edition of the best-selling Second Language ResearchAlison Mackey and Sue Gass continue to guide students step-by-step through conducting the second language research process with a clear and comprehensive overview of the core issues in second language research. Supported by a wealth of data examples from actual studies, the book examines questions of what is meant by research and what defines good research questions, covering such topics as basic research principles and data collection methods, designing a quantitative research study, and concluding and reporting research findings. The second edition includes a new chapter on mixed-methods, new “time to think” and “time to do” text boxes throughout, and updates to reflect the latest research and literature. Supplementary materials, including an extensive glossary and appendices of forms and documents that students can use in conducting their own studies, serve as useful reference tools, with suggestions on how to get research published reemphasizing the books practical how-to approach. This is the ideal resource for understanding the second language research process for graduate students in Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics.

ESL Teaching Books – Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition

Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide is an informative guide to research design and methodology for graduate students and scholars. Each chapter of this volume offers background, step-by-step guidance, and relevant studies to create comprehensive coverage of each method.  Includes chapters by expert scholars on an array of topics, including second language writing and reading, meta-analyses, research replication, qualitative data collection and analysis, and more. It includes feature boxes in each chapter highlighting relevant research studies, discussion questions and suggested further readings. It utilizes research methods and tools from varied fields of study including education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology.

ESL Teaching Books – Researching Second Language Classrooms

Researching Second Language Classrooms – This text introduces teachers to research methods they can use to examine their own classrooms in order to become more effective teachers. Becoming familiar with classroom-based research methods not only enables teachers to do research in their own classrooms, it also provides a basis for assessing the findings of existing research. McKay emphasizes throughout that what a teacher chooses to examine will dictate which method is most effective. Each chapter includes activities to help readers apply the methods described in the chapter, often by analyzing research data. Chapter I, Classroom Research, introduces the reader to major research purposes and research types as they relate to classroom research, the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research, the formulation of research questions and research designs, and ethical issues in research. Chapter II, Researching Teachers and Learners, presents research methods that can be used to examine teachers’ and learners’ attitudes and behaviors: action research, survey research, interviews, verbal reports, diary studies, case studies, and ethnographies. Chapter III, Researching Classroom Discourse, deals with methods that can be used to study the oral and written discourse of classrooms: interaction analysis, discourse analysis, text analysis, and ways to examine the social and political assumptions underlying the choice and presentation of content in second language teaching materials.
*Chapter IV, Writing Research Reports, provides guidelines for both thesis writing and journal articles. Researching Second Language Classrooms is an ideal text for TESOL research methods courses and an essential resource for in service teachers who wish to undertake classroom research.

ESL Teaching Books – Pedagogical Norms

Pedagogical Norms for Second and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching – The concept of Pedagogical Norm is grounded in both sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic principles. Pedagogical norms guide the selection and sequencing of target language features for language teaching and learning. This book both situates and expands on this concept highlighting the interaction of research and pedagogy. The papers collectively illustrate how the concept of pedagogical norm applies to all components of language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse. The book begins with a discussion of definitions including papers that trace the history of the concept and define what is meant by norms. Also included are papers that apply the concept of pedagogical norms in specific contexts (e.g., intonation, morphology) and to specific languages. Finally, pedagogical norms are extended beyond the more traditional areas of grammatical competence to such disparate areas as listening, discourse, and circumlocution.

ESL Teaching Books – Teaching Reading

Teaching Reading in the Secondary Schools – Being able to read well is one of the most important literacy requirements in our society. It is fundamental to almost all secondary school subjects and the English program in particular. The new Key Stage 3 focus on teaching reading compels us to find exciting ways to engage young people with texts that they will continue with and develop themselves. This book outlines several approaches to reading which challenge former classroom practices. It is through these approaches that all students – from reluctant boys to the most able of either gender – can continue to grow as readers and develop their readiness to seek meaning in texts. This second edition adds to the original ideas in Geoff Dean’s first book and includes new methods of teaching reading, including “guided reading” and using increased grammatical student knowledge.

ESL Teaching Books – Finding The Key to The Secret Garden

Finding The Key to The Secret Garden of Reading: Extensive Reading in The Second Language Classroom – The aim of this book is to communicate to those concerned with language teaching and to share some ideas on different reading approaches, especially with focus on extensive reading and the use of graded readers in the second language classroom. Different approaches to reading and vocabulary learning is presented and evaluated throughout the book in an attempt to “provide a theoretical and pedagogical foundation for the premise that extensive reading should be an integral part of reading instruction in the second language classroom”. Students developing positive attitudes and an inner motivation for reading in a second language will experience the pleasure of reading and be encouraged to continue reading. Just like the characters in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel planted seeds in the secret hidden garden and watched it come alive with beauty, the students finding the pleasure and beauty of reading would want to read more and more. For each book read a new “seed” is planted in the readers very own secret garden of reading, and this hidden garden within will become more and more beautiful by each passing day. Extensive reading can be the key to the secret garden of reading!

ESL Teaching Books – The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods

The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism – Written by leading experts in the field, The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism focuses on the methodology of research in this rapidly growing field. It highlights the interdisciplinary nature of research on bilingualism and multilingualism and offers a practical guide to the specific procedures and tools for collecting and analyzing data.

ESL Teaching Books – Growing Old with Two Languages

Growing Old with Two Languages: Effects of Bilingualism on Cognitive Aging – This collection brings together two areas of research that are currently receiving great attention in both scientific and public spheres: cognitive aging and bilingualism. With ongoing media focus on the aging population and the need for activities to forestall cognitive decline, experiences that appear effective in maintaining functioning are of great interest. One such experience is lifelong bilingualism. Moreover, research into the cognitive effects of bilingualism has increased dramatically in the past decade, making it an exciting area of study. This volume combines these issues and presents the most recent research and thinking into the effects of bilingualism on cognitive decline in aging. The contributors are all leading scholars in their field. The result is a state-of-the art collection on the effect of bilingualism on cognition in older populations for both healthy aging and aging with dementia. The papers will be of interest to researchers, students, and health professionals.