ESL Teaching Books – Intro to Suggestopedia

Intro to Suggestopedia: Pocket Therapist’s Guide paperback. Suggestopedia is a learning / teaching technique based on Dr. Lozanov’s very early 1965 studies, long before what would later become the legacy, career and life’s work spent mentoring to students and teachers alike across the world, alongside his partner and wife, Dr. Evelina Gateva. Their combined efforts on the theory and practice of suggestion, would go on to trigger an accelerated learning movement in the West while imitators and usurpers tried to make a name for themselves off of Dr. Lozanov’s and Dr. Gateva hard work.

ESL Teaching Books – Memory, Meaning, & Method

Memory, Meaning, & Method: Some Psychological Perspectives on Language Learning (Teaching Methods Series). This thoroughly revised edition updates and restates Earl Stevick’s classic account of what occurs in the learning and teaching of languages. It includes insights into memory as it relates to language learning and presents language learning as a “total human experience”. This text also focused on a balanced presentation of experimental and personal insights and is appropriate for methods courses. In the section “ESL Teaching books” this is a key book.

ESL Teaching Books – Learning Together and Alone

Learning Together and Alone: Cooperative, Competitive, and Individualistic Learning. The authors integrate cooperative learning with competitive and individualistic learning by providing guidelines for managing critical issues such as teaching social skills, assessing competencies and involvement, and resolving conflict among group members. Each type of learning is clearly defined; the advantages and disadvantages of each are covered; and the research is analyzed to illuminate the conditions under which each should be used.Pre-service and in-service teachers with an interest in cooperative learning and teaching methods. In the section “ESL Teaching books” this is a key book.

ESL Teaching Books – Cooperation and Helping Behavior


Cooperation and Helping Behavior: Theories and Research deals with theory and research with respect to positive forms of social behavior, with emphasis on cooperation and helping behavior. Topics covered include social values and rules of fairness; cognitive processes underlying cooperation; the effects of intergroup competition and cooperation on intragroup and intergroup relationships; and altruism and the problem of collective action. In the section “ESL Teaching books” this is a good book.

ESL Teaching Books – Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (Studies in Contemporary Linguistics). This book presents the most complete exposition of the theory of head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG), introduced in the authors’ Information-Based Syntax and Semantics . HPSG provides an integration of key ideas from the various disciplines of cognitive science, drawing on results from diverse approaches to syntactic theory, situation semantics, data type theory, and knowledge representation. The result is a conception of grammar as a set of declarative and order-independent constraints, a conception well suited to modeling human language processing. This self-contained volume demonstrates the applicability of the HPSG approach to a wide range of empirical problems, including a number which have occupied center-stage within syntactic theory for well over twenty years: the control of “understood” subjects, long-distance dependencies conventionally treated in terms of wh-movement, and syntactic constraints on the relationship between various kinds of pronouns and their antecedents. The authors make clear how their approach compares with and improves upon approaches undertaken in other frameworks, including in particular the government-binding theory of Noam Chomsky. In the section “ESL Teaching books” this is an okay book.

ESL Teaching Books – Stochastic Coalgebraic Logic

Stochastic Coalgebraic Logic (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series). Combining coalgebraic reasoning, stochastic systems and logic, this volume presents the principles of coalgebraic logic from a categorical perspective. Modal logics are also discussed, including probabilistic interpretations and an analysis of Kripke models. In the section “ESL Teaching books” this is an interesting book.

Being an Online ESL Teacher: What I Love!

I have done many things in my life but few have been as rewarding as being an online ESL teacher. Watching my students blossom to the point where they can carry on entire conversations in English is something special.

I was raised in China with an American mother and a Canadian father and grew up speaking both languages fluently. When we moved back to Canada I always made friends with the new Chinese students, partly because I knew I was the only one who would be able to really carry on a quality conversation with them. That is when I first started helping people learn English beyond a few words here and there. I loved it. At that stage I had no idea I would end up being an online ESL teacher.

Learn more about this topic by reading on Off2Class.

Teaching EFL Learners the Past Perfect and Past Simple Through Cognitive Grammar

PDF #167 – Teaching EFL Learners the Past Perfect and Past Simple Through Cognitive Grammar

Cognitive Grammar (CG) is a relatively new approach to linguistics that is becoming more mainstream in recent years due to its comprehensive description and meaningful elaboration of grammar. CG proponents have been proposing this approach to L2 grammar instruction instead of a more traditional approach that relies heavily on rules.

Why ESL teachers are the best

Why ESL teachers are the best – I’ve had many jobs in the last many years on the road but the one that I could always rely on was ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. I worked in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Brazil, and Ireland as an English teacher for non-natives and found it to be very satisfying work.

Why ESL teachers are the best

However, what I have also found is that the process of teaching English has also helped me to refine my language learning strategy and learn the local language better.

As well as this, I take great satisfaction in the fact that I was successful in helping even the weakest students to speak English and dramatically improve the level of many of those I taught. My success in teaching English is a huge part of why I am so confident in giving advice about learning languages in general on this blog (as well as my own experience in learning to speak them of course).

In meeting other ESL teachers, I can see this is true for many of them. There are plenty of exceptions, but I have found that ESL teachers make better teachers than traditional academic ones, as well as having an edge themselves for learning a language.

ESL teachers are forced to step outside of their idea of a failed academic system that never helped them learn to speak a language when they were at school and to do things completely differently.

Seeing others struggle with their own progress directly can also help as you give them words of encouragement and start to believe these words yourself. Even though I don’t teach English right now, encouraging others via this blog and the many e-mails people send me, reinforces my own enthusiasm in my language learning journey. Giving encouragement can encourage the person giving it too.

Learn more about this topic by reading on FluentIn3Months.

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