Foreign languages could be taught in preschool

Training program for English teaching assistants – Teaching foreign languages should be considered in preschools and primary schools, according to Department of Education school inspectors.

In a new report on the quality of teaching practice, inspectors said pre-school teachers could be trained to integrate languages such as French, German and Polish in early learning settings.

In addition, it says re-instating modern languages to the primary school curriculum would be a timely move.

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Training program for English teaching assistants

Peking: Peking University held a two-day online session featuring the improvement of teaching excellence for teaching assistants in English-taught courses. Zhu Erping, associate director of the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT), University of Michigan, gave the first lecture. Tian Jianqiu, associate professor from the School of Foreign Languages of Peking University gave the second talk.

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Indian village teacher chosen as a teacher of the year

Debra Honn, third-grade teacher at Indian Village Elementary School, and Lisa Clegg, English Language Learners teacher at Northrop High School, have been named the 2020 Fort Wayne Community Schools Teachers of the Year.

Honn, the FWCS Elementary Teacher of the Year, has taught for 25 years, the past five at Indian Village. There, she revived the school’s annual science fair and started a robotics club.

“I am impressed each time I visit her classroom,” Indian Village Principal Kara Miller said. “The passion and energy she exudes to help her students learn and grow is contagious. Mrs. Honn tailors her classroom so that it is an engaging learning environment for each and every student.”

Learn more about this topic by reading in on WayneDaleNews.

How To Teach Your Baby A Second Language

There are many skills that are incredibly useful for kids to know at a young age. That is probably why one blogger’s social media post about this topic went viral. One of the things parents should teach their kids is not to touch babies, no matter how cute and adorable they are. Learn more about this topic by reading in on BabyGaga.

Will school doors open to an education reformation?

It might be possible to wrap your head around the dramatic changes the airline industry faces to get planes with willing passengers back in the sky. Not so with schools. Cliches like the “new normal” just won’t work. We’re entering the “new abnormal.” COVID-19 means the actions schools take to reopen are exponentially more difficult. Kids don’t have to fly. They have to go to school.

Just what happens when school doors swing open (or not) next fall? No one knows for sure. Successive waves from the COVID-19 tsunami will inundate the myriad practices of education that define our American way of life.

Learn more about this topic by reading in on TheLedger.

Studying English literature in its place of its origin

Studying English literature in its place of its origin – The University of Reading changed the perception of Kasturi Roy towards children’s literature. When a self-confessed book worm, Kolkata girl Kasturi Roy, 28, completed her Masters of Research with specialization in Children’s Literature from the University of Reading, her perception towards lierature changed. She never read books the way she read it before studying in the UK.

Learn more about this topic by reading in on TimesOfIndia.

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Next generation of language keepers

Next generation of language keepers

“I was scared,” Cora said. “I’ve always been in and around Dene people, barely speaking English.”

Cora was raised by her grandparents, who only spoke Dene with her, and rarely travelled south to the city. So the prospect of moving south to Saskatoon or Regina for four years, as northerners had always been required to do in order to take a university program entirely in English, was too daunting. Learn more about this topic by reading in on NewsInteractives.

Mom Creates Bilingual Teddy Bears

A Texas mother is following what she believes is her “greater purpose” in life by helping children around the world — and their parents — learn a new language through her bilingual teddy bear line.

Dr. Tameka Maiden tells PEOPLE she was trying to teach her then-1-year-old daughter, Tori, the colors when she came up with the idea for Cubby Love Bears, a line of colorful teddy bears that recite letters, words, and numbers in English and Spanish.

Learn more about this topic by reading in on People.

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