English Teaching Thailand – First Head
English Teaching Thailand

Second Head
English Teaching Thailand – Third Head
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Although not quite as popular as nearby South Korea and neighbor China for teaching English abroad, Thailand has nonetheless caught up in terms of being a great place to teach in Asia over the past decade.
A hot, tropical climate (which some people love…), friendly people, and a high but affordable quality of life have all added to the attractiveness of teaching English in Thailand.
If you’re interested in teaching abroad in Thailand, read on for the low-down on teacher salaries, visas, and how to find a job.
In order to teach English in Thailand, most teachers will require native proficiency and a bachelor’s degree. TEFL certification is not always required. The average salary for teaching in Thailand is $800 – $3,500 per month.
Posted: 2/15/2020 / February 15th, 2020
Thailand is an English teacher’s dream. With a low cost of living, incredible food, rich culture, plenty of partying, and a mai pen rai (no worries) attitude, the Land of Smiles is a very popular country for English teachers.
For Thais, English is considered a necessity to work in the global market, so there is always a need for teachers. With language schools, primary schools, universities, and other locations offering English classes, there are numerous avenues for employment.
So, how do you get a job teaching English in Thailand?
In order to do so, you need to be a native speaker from an English-speaking country (defined as the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand) or prove your fluency, and have a bachelor’s degree.
Because of the popularity of teaching English in Thailand, I’d recommend also having a 120-hour TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certificate to make you more competitive.
With all teaching opportunities in Thailand, salaries vary greatly depending on the location and employer. In hot tourist destinations like Koh Samui, Phuket, and other spots, expect to earn less than what you would make in less exotic locales, because people will accept a lower salary in exchange for the beach lifestyle.
You will earn the most in Bangkok, followed by Chiang Mai.
Here’s a breakdown of the various ways to teach in the country and what to expect with each position:
Public Schools
Public schools are free from preschool through high school. The school year begins in May and ends in March and includes a three-week break in October.
As a public school teacher in Thailand, expect to work full-time, even if you’re not teaching every moment of the day. Responsibilities range from creating lesson plans and exams to grading papers (none of which you are compensated for if it’s on your own time), as well as keeping office hours at school.
Students range in their knowledge and understanding of English, and often there is little guidance in terms of the curriculum you need to create. You’re basically on your own here! Many teachers incorporate games, television shows, and movies into their classes.
In public schools, the student-to-teacher ratio is high, so expect large class sizes.
Salaries range from 25,000 to 40,000 THB ($827–1,317 USD) a month. Teaching in the cities will earn you the most money. You can expect lower salaries in the countryside, but cost of living is so cheap there, you’ll still end up having plenty of extra money!
Private and International Schools
There are very few differences between public schools and private and international schools, other than the lower student-to-teacher ratio and the fact that salaries are significantly higher since they are not free to attend.
International schools have the most coveted positions, but you’ll need to be an actual certified teacher to get one of them, as the curriculum follows the West’s. Private schools are a little less strict, but you’ll still want to have some experience. You’ll need to have not only a degree but also a TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certificate and prior teaching experience, and be a native English speaker.
If you’ve never taught English before or have only a little experience, you’re unlikely to get a job at one of these schools.
Whereas the public schools follow the Thai system and come with little support, these institutions tend to be more like Western schools, so if you’re wondering what teaching is like there, just think back to what it was like when you went to school!
International schools pay the most, roughly 80,000–170,000 THB ($2,633–5,596 USD) a month (which is well above the typical Thai salary and allows for your lifestyle to be more lavish); private schools pay 60,000–80,000 THB ($1,975–2,633 USD).
These positions also come with a lot of perks: contract bonuses, lots of vacation days, health insurance, and sometimes airfare to and from Thailand.
Teaching at a university in Thailand can help give you an edge over the competition for other English teaching jobs in the country. But teaching at a university means teaching part-time and earning only 30,000–60,000 THB ($987–1,975 USD) a month.
The upside is that you can also teach at another school part-time, you get a few months of paid vacation, and you are compensated generously should you have to work overtime (about 1,000–1,500 THB, or $33–49 USD, an hour).
Depending on where you teach, your responsibilities will be different. All teachers must come up with lesson plans, but some may also have to teach faculty or have additional sessions outside of the classroom, among other duties.
You may or may not have textbooks to use for your curriculum. Class sizes at universities are notoriously large, about 50 students.
Language Schools
Teaching English at a language school in Thailand is different than at a public or private school. Classes are normally held in the morning before the workday starts to accommodate businesspeople, then again in the afternoon and into the evening for children and adults.
The workweek at language schools extends into the weekend.
At language schools, classes are small and range from four to ten students. As a teacher, it’s your responsibility to come up with lesson plans and activities.
There’s also the option at language schools to work full- or part-time. Full-time teachers make anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 THB ($987-1,316 USD) per month; part-time teachers make 350–500 THB ($11.50–16.50 UD) per hour.
There are lots and lots of language schools in the country, and jobs are fairly easy to get. They don’t really care about previous experience or even if you have a TEFL certificate (though having both makes it easier to get a job).
You’ll also get very little support from the schools and will basically have to set up everything on your own. You’ll only get paid for actual classroom time.
I didn’t really love teaching at the language schools, but the work was easy even if it was not well paid.
Corporate Training Programs
As a corporate teacher, you teach from a company’s office, giving lessons to their staff. Classes tend to be large, so many employees can attend. Because these programs are quite expensive, the positions are only filled by teachers with experience.
Expect to work during the morning or late at night, as you have to teach people outside business hours.
Corporate teachers make anywhere from 45,000 to 60,000 THB ($1,481–1,974 USD) a month, and it’s normal for the school to cover travel expenses to the company.
Test Preparation
Test preparation in Thailand is different than in other English positions. You must be knowledgeable in a variety of English tests, including SAT or GRE prep (and have finished in the 95th percentile or above), as well as IELTS and TOEIC, both of which are used to test students before they work or study abroad.
As a test prep teacher, classes are either groups or private and take place on both weekdays and weekends. It’s your job to not only teach the courses but also design and develop the course curriculum.
Test prep teachers average about 600 THB ($20 USD) an hour.
Best Job Resources for Teaching in Thailand
There are numerous sites to find jobs teaching English in Thailand. The best one for jobs is ajarn.com as it simply has the most listings and is specific to Thailand. It’s the oldest teaching in Thailand website too.
Other sites with job postings include the following:
How to Apply for a Visa
It isn’t hard to apply for the Non-Immigrant B visa necessary to teach English in Thailand and your school will help you do, but there are quite a few steps to getting it and then starting teaching.
First, make sure your passport has validity beyond six months and have passport photos for applications, as well as your original bachelor’s degree, transcripts, and a certified criminal background check.
Next, you’ll need to apply for a visa from outside of Thailand and include a letter from your employer with the job offer. Once you have your visa, your employer steps in and handles the paperwork, completing the remainder of the application on your behalf.
After the visa is complete, you’ll need to have a physical exam and a medical certificate from a Thai doctor and then get your work permit. From there, it’s on to the Immigration Department in order to extend your visa in your passport for 12 months.
The last two steps are to get your tax card from the Tax Department and then your teaching license. Your employer should be able to assist you in all aspects of the process.
It’s important to note that if you choose to teach without these necessary items, you run the risk of getting kicked out of the country and fined.
To be completely honest, my expectations of what my life would be like in Thailand have changed since I first began the process of deciding to teach abroad. When I was back home in the States, I thought less about my actual teaching experience and more about the logistical side of getting all of my paperwork together, arriving in one piece, and finally getting settled.
During orientation is when I began to shape my actual expectations of what living and working would be like for the next year. Here are a few expectations I had about life as as an English teacher in Thailand, and what the reality has been since I have arrived.
Finding Housing in Thailand

My room in Thailand.
My main housing expectation before coming to Thailand is that it would be incredibly affordable. During orientation we were told to have low standards and just expect a room with four walls, a bed, and a basic bathroom.
While housing costs significantly more than I expected, everything about my housing here in Thailand has exceeded my expectations. My agent picked me up when I arrived to town and took me to the apartment building where I live now.
I live in a very nice, furnished apartment with a king sized bed, a fridge, hot water, air conditioning and an incredible view. But this is not the case for everyone! I have friends who were completely on their own when it came to finding an apartment and friends who do not have hot water, a fridge or air conditioning.

My room in Thailand, from another angle.
Having low expectations definitely benefited me in the long run because I was bound to be pleasantly surprised wherever I ended up.
- Bring something small from home for your room. I brought pictures and my teddy bear and it makes my room feel like mine.
- Don’t settle for the cheapest housing that you can find just because it’s cheap. Live somewhere safe, comfortable, and where you see yourself for your entire time here.
Teaching English in a Thai school

One of my classrooms in Thailand.
On the management side of things, before starting at my school, I learned a lot about how the Thai schools are run differently from Western schools. There is a different communication structure and you aren’t necessarily given all of the details all of the time.
Basically, if you want information you have to ask for it. You also have an agent, who is your actual employer, who is there to help and manage the relationship between you and your school.
On the student side of things, I was expecting to walk into school and have kids greeting me with hugs and high fives excited to learn from their new teacher (naive, I know). I expected to meet all of the Thai staff and teachers and slowly get to know them and become friends.

Fellow teacher in Thailand.
For management, the director of my school and the head of the English Department are both women, which is somewhat of a rarity here in Thailand. I was given a complete binder with all of the information that I would need for the year, including a calendar with days off, and my weekly lesson topics.
During my first week of teaching I felt like a rock star. I had the undivided attention of 45 ten year olds because I was new and they were so excited to hear what I had to say. I am very lucky in that I use PowerPoint in all of my classes and have access to every resource possible.
When I arrived at school I was surprised to learn that the foreign teacher’s office was separate from the Thai teachers and thus, I hardly interact with the Thai teachers. There are a few in my classes who are friendly and say hello, but I am still far from making friends like I had expected.
- All Thai schools are different and everyone has different experiences. Don’t compare your school, students, or experience with anyone else’s.
- Just be yourself and be able to laugh at yourself. No matter the age of your students, they will appreciate you being genuine and real with them.
- Stay hydrated and well fed while teaching, and don’t forget to put yourself first!
Culture Shock and Cultural Immersion in Your Host Community

My Thai Family (Doctor Daranee’s kids).
Being called the Land of Smiles, I had high expectations when it came to settling down and making friends here in Thailand. I expected to get to my new town and over time, easily be able to make friends with locals and other teachers. I did expect to experience culture shock, although you never know what form it will come in.
Making new friends and settling down takes time. I arrived in the middle of the semester which meant that everyone had settled into their friend groups and routines. Thai people are super nervous to talk to native English speakers because they are shy about their English.
I have had people turn and run away after I accidentally greeted them in English instead of Thai. Once you make a Thai friend you will become a part of their family and they will forever hold a piece of your heart. Even after settling down and making new friends, I experience culture shock in ways I never have before.

Traveling in Chiang Mai with friends.
Recently, I have been getting so frustrated with the people who just stare at me as I walk down the street, workout, or eat in a restaurant. Sometimes I just want to scream “say something to me”. Other times I embrace these awkward moments and surprise them with a smile and wave (it’s especially funny when they are trying to sneak pictures of you). While I am still working on making Thai and Western friends, I am happy with the small little group that I have here.
- Say yes to everything that fellow teachers or new Thai friends invite you to do.
- Culture shock is real and it hits you at the worst times. Embrace the emotions and talk to your friends and fellow teachers about it. They can relate more than anyone back home can.
Travel and Free Time

View point in Trang.
When you think of Thailand you think of the busy city life in Bangkok, the temples in Chiang Mai, and the beautiful beaches down south. Well, when I found out that I would be living in Southern Thailand I was thrilled to be able to visit the islands often. I also expected to have a decent amount of free time while at school.
I’m there about 45 hours a week and only teach 23 hours so that leaves a good amount of time unaccounted for outside the classroom.
At school I have a few 45 minute breaks throughout the day and then a few hours at the end of the day. I try to plan and prepare for my lessons during the day so at the end I can read, blog, or watch Netflix for an hour before going home. I also use this time to research places to travel and things to do around town.
One big reality is that travel is exhausting and expensive. Even though everything here is relatively cheap, it is not free. And cheap still adds up quickly. There are so many things to see, and you probably don’t need to travel far from home to see them. In reality I can only afford big out of town trips once every few weeks.

A view point in my town in Thailand.
- Develop healthy hobbies for your free time. I do Sudoku and read before I let myself on Facebook and Netflix.
- You earn in Thai baht and spend in Thai baht, who cares how much is costs in USD.
- Don’t run off and travel every weekend. Stay in your town and explore what it has to offer because those are what you are going to remember when you go back home. Some of my favorite places in all of Thailand are in my town.
As you prepare for your next travel adventure in Thailand, it is hard not to have certain expectations about what the teaching experience will offer. By keeping an open mind, you will be able to adjust to your new life a bit easier and potentially find that the reality is even better than what you had expected.
About the Author:
Hi! My name is Kelsey, I’m 23 years old, and I am a Colorado Native. I’m a sucker for cute dogs, margaritas, and anything outdoors. I am currently living in Hua Hin, Thailand and sharing my adventures from South East Asia!
8 thoughts on “Expectations vs. Reality of Teaching in Thailand and Tips for Adjusting to Life in the Land of Smiles”
Teaching English in Thailand is one of the best teaching opportunities in the world, thanks to the country’s cost of living, tropical environment, and laid-back lifestyle.
With so many options for teaching and the ease of getting a visa, it’s a perfect spot to start your English teaching career abroad.
thank you deeply for the reality-checks, Kelsey. i realize that much may have changed since you posted 3 yrs ago.
I am over 60 yrs old, look younger but big deal, don’t have the stamina of people 1/2-1/3 my age!
Still really want to consider teaching english, small town preferred. So how’s the “ageism” index; do you see or hear of teachers over 50 doing OK, not having to prove that they are exceptional specimens, above being creative warm, and of course mature:)))
Hi, saw your comment and thought I would give my 2 cents. I’m 62, look younger and am sitting in a hotel in Bangkok awaiting release from quarantine. I applied for a job at the high school in the town where I live to supplement my pension. I retired early and have lived in Thailand for 4 years. The schools are pretty desperate for native speakers these days and if you can handle the culture shock you would be employable these days whereas before, the ageism here probably would have been a difficult obstacle to surmount.
Pay is sufficient for rent, food, and incidentals. Thailand is more civilized than a lot of people expect. Good luck!
Hi Kelsey,
Thank you for this very informative article. I am an aspiring TEFL teacher but I am not a native english speaker. Have you encountered any non native english teacher in thailand?
Hi, Kelsey. I have been looking for the opportunity to speak with someone about teaching abroad. I have been offered a teaching position in Bang Saen, Thailand. I also have been offered an interview for a position in Dubai. I will receive a better income and job package in Dubai, but I really feel that my heart is telling me Thailand is a better fit. What is your teaching job like in Thailand?
Hi Kelsey, im so inspired reading this. I am an aspiring English Teacher. Would you mind to share how did you get to work as English Teacher in Thailand? Thank you.
Hi Kelsey hope you are keeping well . Really enjoyed reading your blog . I am in the process of studying an online TEFL course and have been given a written assignment that involves the difference in Thai culture and education compared to that of my own which is South African . I have been looking for someone who lives in Thailand and would be able to help me with a few pointers and good advice. Hope you have a lovely day/evening and keep up the cool blog.
Hi Kelsey,
I have a few questions about your experience in Thailand. Do you still live there? You said you came in the middle of the semester. When is that? Did you find and go threw a program? If so, what program. Thank you for sharing your experience and expectations. I found it really helpful. Thank you!
Hi Kelsey – I really enjoyed reading this. You should be very proud of yourself; what an amazing experience. Can’t wait to hear more. Love from Colorado (Karen)