Teaching Speaking Skills

PDF #38 – Esayas Teshome Taddese – The Practice of Teaching Speaking Skills the case of three Secondary Schools in Gedeo Zone, Ethiopia

Teaching Speaking Skills – The primary purpose of this study was to explore the practice of teaching speaking skill in selected secondary schools in Gedeo Zone, Ethiopia. To achieve this objective, the research used descriptive survey research design.The participantsof the study consist of 11 (9 male, 2 female) secondary school teachers and 272 grade 9 students.

Teaching Speaking Skills

Questionnaire, interview and classroom observation were the data collection tools. The data analysis, interpretation and discussion of the findings indicated the practice of teaching speaking skill depends on few interactive activities named group discussion; brainstorming and pair work with little follow up discussion on the side of the teachers.

The balance between the accuracy and fluency aspect of speaking skills lacks equilibrium with more emphasis placed on accuracy practice. The factors that challenge the practice of teaching speaking skill include large class size, use of mother tongue during discussions, inhibition and fear of making mistake on the side of the students and shortage of practice time.

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